Beyond 5 Sense Based Humanity?

We are built out of very small stuff, and we are embedded in a very large cosmos, and the fact is that we are not very good at understanding reality at either of those scales. –David Eagleman

Born to Move, Part Two

As I said in Part One, we are meant to be movers. But the mind has other interests and intentions, and it probably has a pretty low opinion of the body—a cross many bodies have to bear.

Born to Move, Part One

In spite of today’s emphasis on meditation to relieve stress, our bodies were designed to be in movement. And since time is flowing, and our lives along with it, the biggest challenge we face every day is how to be present to ourselves while moving around and doing our stuff.

Paying with Our Attention, Part Two

We spoke last time of following the golden thread of our Attention. Why is it so important? Because asking myself, “Where is my attention right now?” is the same as asking “Where am I?” It offers a direct experience of becoming present to my life.

Paying with Our Attention, Part One

At some point in life most of us learn that you have to pay for what you want, and that you don’t always get what you paid for. And since we tend to think in terms of cash flow, we calculate how much we can afford. In other words, we give things a subjective valuation.

Becoming More Sensuous

Here’s the truth: to live more centered in the present moment we need to become more sensuous. That way we can be more alive to the world and more sensitive to ourselves.

Letting Go Into Life

All that we have and are is right here in the body. Think of it this way: my fingers are tapping these very words into the computer as my brain formulates them. And you are almost certainly sitting in a chair as you read them, butt softly cradled (unless the chair is hard), feet pressing into the floor, and hands probably grasping an electronic device as your eyes follow my words.

Letting the Genie Out of the Bottle

Looking back at what has turned out to be a long life, I began to wonder this morning, why have I held back so often from trying out new things? And why was I so often unable to honestly admit how I really felt to others, or even to myself? If that sounds familiar to you, let’s explore it together.

The Wisdom of the Body

Luckily we have guides to recall us to a more balanced understanding. Not long ago a poem came over my transom. Its humbling but uplifting message comes from one of the wisest people I’ve ever known—and I’ve known a quite a few! Her wisdom came from listening, learning, and experiencing the life her own Body/Soul.

Cart Before the Horse?

It was 400 years ago that Descartes convinced us that we think therefore we are, and we have believed it ever since. Which inevitably leads to living mostly in our heads. What a heavy weight to carry as we go about our daily business!